Friday, 16 November 2012

Playing around with Picmonkey

My lovely soapy friend, Denice, published a tutorial on her blog about how to make a blog banner using  PicMonkey and I was hooked and still am. Her tutorial is so well written that even I could follow it with no problems at all.

Picmonkey is such a fantastic tool to use to make banners, collages, logos .... endless fun.

So, the logo at the top of the blog was via picmonkey, but I also had a play around with some images to make a collage of some photos I have. Here's the first one, and I am pretty happy with it (the staging of the products is another issue but I'll work on that).

Here is the image with no filter:

but here is the same collage with a filter - Nostferatu Dawn which I absolutely love.

You can see that the tones are warmer, and the sparkles are just that bit more sparkly. I also added some text, but this was me playing around yet again.

I can see that picmonkey will be a great way for me to get distracted from actual work, it's that addictive.

If you want to try some fancy collages, blog banners or logos, picmonkey is the site for you.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

First post

The first post with little to say, but at least it makes the page look less empty.